A girl can't have enough shoes

Thursday, September 29, 2011
I know it's been a while since I've done an outfit post, but the sad reason is beacuse my camera's charger has been missing for a while now. I just hope I find it soon because I've really missed blogging. But due to my extra free time off from my blog, I have been trying to re-arrange my closet to make it look cute and feminine (I hope to blog about it when it's finally done).
My parents have been telling me that I'm crazy when it comes to shoes, but I don't think I have that much compared to the pictures below. I know I have a good amount, but It's not that serious. So, I went through tumblr and came across closets with a lot of shoes and I can clearly say a girl can't have enough shoes. I think I might accept that I have enough shoes when I have up to 500 pairs, well until then.


DulceCandy (Love her blog)

How many pair of shoes so you think are just too much?

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